Painters 2015

Karin Voogd

There are great compositions here,” Karin Voogd says, “You see a little shop and maybe a cat outside waiting desperately for food. The scenes here sometimes remind me of 17th century Dutch paintings; paintings by Hobbema, Wouwermans, Pieter de Hooch.” The long alleyways, the donkeys, the people walking down the street, all of it feels somewhat familiar to Karin. Extremely talented with perspective drawing and illustrating dimension, she makes you feel as if you are walking down the Shela alleyways together.

Voogd was born in Leiden and lives Rotterdam. As an admirer of the paintings of Goya and Velazquez, she studied Spanish Philology and Literature at the Universiteit Leiden before studying fine art at Willem de Kooning Academie. She was nominated for the Büning-Brongers-Prijs in 1995. In the late eighties, she was amused by the After Nature collective, initiated by famous Dutch painter Peter Klashorst. This group of artists was rebelling against the conceptual art movement of the time and insisted on painting traditional themes such as nudes and landscapes, by observation alone.

Voogd was intrigued by the group’s anti-conformist attitude and followed the career of one member, the artist Jurriaan van Hall, a childhood friend, but was not tempted to try her own hand at plein air painting. She gives us a little history lesson about the movement telling us that, “later, a few of the artists founded the Amsterdam Institute for Painting (AIS) and stood at the birth of what became the Noordwijk Schilderfestival, and finally, in 1995, the After Nature group split up.”

Voogd has tried her hand at journalism, teaching and curatorial projects (she curated an exhibition on art and brains in 1998). At the age of forty, after a long pause in her career as an artist, she began to paint again, and turned to serious plein air painting. Since then, she has participated in several painters’ festivals including the annual Noordwijk Festival (Winner of the Rembrandt Painting Award in 2011), through which she exhibited at the Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen and participated in the annual Usedom Openair “Sieben malen am Meer” event in Germany.

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